Women's Health Care

Chinese Medicine is a highly effective and safe way to treat a variety of women’s health issues. In fact, gynecology has been a focus of Chinese Medicine with medical writings and entire texts devoted to gynecology dating back thousands of years. There is not a system of medicine that can compete with this illustrious history and years of accumulated observation, experience, and evidence.

Chinese Medicine’s sophistication in theory and treatment strategies have existed for millennia and still stand the test of time. It has been said that we stand upon the shoulders of giants and this is certainly true about modern day use of Chinese Medicine.

In my experience, the efficacy of the traditional treatments are often enhanced by the use of Western methods of diagnostics such as ultrasounds and lab work that provide useful information to help hone a treatment plan. My own preference is to consider Western diagnostics and then use Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) treatments. TCM is usually effective on its own and its success is sometimes strengthened in combination with Western treatments. Keep in mind that TCM can be a great alternative to drugs and surgery; however, I may recommend that you visit with an ND, MD, Chiropractor, or Massage Therapist depending on the circumstances.


A famous Chinese physician said that there are four times in a woman’s life when her health can be positively or adversely affected: menarche, onset of sexual activity, childbirth, and menopause. These are wonderful times to have a good relationship with an Acupuncturist/Herbalist.

Conditions Treated:

  • Regulation of cycle and hormones: irregular menstruation, amenorrhea (no periods), anovulation (no ovulation), painful periods, heavy periods, scanty periods.

  • Premenstrual syndrome: breast tenderness, mood changes, bowel changes, sleep changes, acne.

  • Endometriosis

  • Fibroids and polyps

  • Breast conditions

  • Acne

  • Pain in the vulva and vagina

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Vaginal discharge

  • Cervical dysplasia

  • BV (Bacterial Vaginosis)

  • Hair Loss

  • Menopausal symptoms: hot flashes, night sweats, weight gain, sleep issues, mood changes, vaginal dryness, skin dryness, vaginal atrophy.